The First Ammendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abrdging the freedom of speech, or the press; or the right of te people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government to redress of grievances

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Some famous mobster quotes Part 1.

Whaddy'a know, whaddy'a say?

In this compilation, i would be sharing famous quotes from mobsters in real life or mobsters in movies, I know there are a lot of them and thats why i decided to break them down into parts. Enjoy.

Leave the gun, Take the cannoli -Pete Clemenza from the godfather. The scene where they killed paulie in some uninhabited rice field. He had a box of cannoli's with him. He then instructed Rocco to..."Leave the gun, and take the cannoli"

The Young Henry Hill "Running Errands" in the movie goodfellas

"As far back as i can remember, i always wanted to be a gangster"- Henry Hill from the movie Good fellas, During the earlier parts of the movie, Henry was talking about how he got into the mafia. Starting out as a driver, doing errands before becoming an official member.

"The greater the man, the greater the crime"- Charlie "Lucky" Luciano, Well to some extent, this is true. I very much agree with this quote. Those tycoons and politicians are not as innocent as you may think they are

"Never open your mouth unless youre in a dental chair" Sammy "The bull" Gravano. Or is it "The rat" The quote meaning speak nothing of what you know or dont speak about things that should not be spoken, Unfortunately, Mr Gravano did otherwise.


Unknown said...

Can you please, please, please tell me who said "you'll never take me alive"? Its driving me absolutely CRAZY!!!!


MaTT said...

sabrina its al pachino scarface

Unknown said...

Alvin "Creepy" Karpis actually said it