The First Ammendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abrdging the freedom of speech, or the press; or the right of te people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government to redress of grievances

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A long goodnight

Ciao Amici,

Ive been at this the whole day and ive noticed that i have made a decent number of entries. You may not like some of the post as it was not what you were looking for, Or you MAy have like it. Either way, i would like to thank you for dropping by my friend. Doesnt matter if you dont read anything. Though that is the purpose of this blog, to inform you about things going on in the world unfamiliar to us or to provide any information about it. Well, whatever the case it was an honor for YOU to be viewing my blog no matter who you are or what you do, As long as you provide for your family or atleast respect the people who deserved to be respected, then you will be welcome around here.

Anyway my friend, i am getting sleepy, too much action for one day i hope tommorrow i will provide you more information that would probably be useful to you. What it all comes down to is that iam glad that you are reading this or even visiting my blog. You took the time for that, now let me take the time to entertain you or provide something that is of your interest. Post a comment if you want anything posted or you have a question that i dont know of, i would gladly look it up for you.

I'd love to stay and chat amici but i got some collections to make and some kneecaps to bust. Till then my friend, i hope you'd visit me again.

Truly yours,
your very own underworld reporter

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